15June 2022

CRA Launches a Public Consultation about 5G Private Mobile Networks


The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) launched a public consultation about fifth-generation (5G) private mobile networks, with the aim of receiving views and comments of stakeholders about their level of interest in implementing 5G private mobile networks in the State of Qatar and about various regulatory options to support enterprises, businesses and government entities, that wish to implement them.

Private telecommunications networks enable businesses and entities in private and government sectors to ensure reliable, flexible, and secure voice and data communications on site and between sites. The regulatory options presented for consultation are three options. Under the first option (which is the one available under the current regulatory framework) enterprises wishing to implement a 5G private mobile network can procure services provided by the two telecom service providers (Ooredoo Qatar Q.P.S.C. and Vodafone Qatar P.Q.S.C.).

The second option is making radio spectrum available to enterprises wishing to implement a 5G private mobile network, so they can self-provide it if they have the required radio spectrum license. The last option is granting the required licenses to a new service provider with a scope restricted to the provision of 5G private mobile networks to enterprises. Depending on the outcome of this consultation, it may be that more than one option will be supported in the State of Qatar, as the adoption of one option would not automatically exclude the others.

In its endeavor toward ensuring the transparency of the regulatory process and developing the necessary regulatory instruments to effectively regulates the telecom sector, CRA is keen to receive the views of the stakeholders, including enterprises wishing to implement a 5G private mobile network and suppliers of 5G services and related technologies. CRA will consider received views and comments when finalizing its position on this subject.

Stakeholders and interested parties can submit their related views and comments by emailing raconsultation@cra.gov.qa, by not later than Thursday, July 21, 2022. The public consultation document can be accessed via this link.